Community App

A free to download app giving access to useful information and designed to keep you safer.

Creating change because we believe everyone should have a right to feel safe.

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What’s in it for you?

Ability to comment on topical issues

Specific information on campaigns

Local information


Your Voice – you can report issues by answering simple questions

Location -  a free Geo-location tool to stay connected with friends and loved ones.

Discover -  access to imabi guidance on a wide range of topics

Support -  Links to charities and support groups

Because we know being able to rely on trusted information is important to the decisions you make. We’re passionate about keeping you safer.

71% of women

have experienced public space sexual harrassment.


4.2 million

children living in poverty in the UK

10 million

adults will experience a mental health issue each year

70 million

Workdays lost annually due to mental health issues, culminating in £14 billion cost to business and society

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